Friday, February 19, 2010

Take Two!

I promise I won't be numbering every post. I'm still feeling all of this bear with me!

Tonight is a night of beauty...I have freshly dyed my hair, painted my nails a beautiful, bright blue, drank down some sweet Riesling, and watched a multitude of "lady" shows including: Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, and dvr'd Project Runway. I'm taking issue with a couple of things from two of the above mentioned shows...

This week's Project Runway had the designers making clothes for little girls. Almost every designer FREAKED out about having to deal with a kid. They appeared to be relatively well behaved tots, yet the contestants were appalled at the girls were running around and talking up a storm. That's what kids do. Keep in mind, these were not toddlers going through the terrible two's. Seven year olds are a breeze. Plus, they are can whip up an adorable dress for a first grader in an hour. Get over it. And Nina Garcia rolled her eyes at a five year old because the favorite thing about her outfit was her purse. Duh, Nina. She's five. She will not tell you the favorite thing about her outfit is her houndstooth hoodie. Baby Girl has no clue what those things are. Mom probably never lets her carry a clutch purse because they're for big girls...let her enjoy her purse, Nina! wrap this rant are kids. They are not evil creatures that will drain all your design abilities out of you. New fashionistas are formed at that young age. Girls like me, who worship at the alter of grown up fashion, started then. I could put on a believable full face of makeup by age five. Cut your clients some "slack" designers. OH. One more thing. I want that stripey jacket thingy Seth Aaron made for his adult model. To quothe RZ...I. DIE.

Next rant...Say Yes to the Dress. I take issue with this show to begin with because it glorifies spending ass loads of disposable income on a dress you wear once. Some of the dresses, however, are gorgeous and I get sucked in with all of the 'ooohing' and 'aaaahing'. Tonight. Oi vey. They did a plus size show. Barf. Not barf because women bigger than size ten were trying dresses on. Barf because of one family in particular. The rest were lovely stories about women learning to be beautiful in the size/shape they are. Awesome. Two thumbs up. One family, though. Ugh. The bride-to-be was probably a size 12...maybe 14. Not horribly large. She also appeared to be about 5'5" or so. Not too bad! Her mother and cousin ripped her apart because she was "fat". The bride also had a plan to lose twenty pounds by her wedding date. Fail. You are your size. Now...that is NOT to say you can't shed some pounds. Lord knows I wish I was shedding them now! BUT. Spending thousands of dollars on something you HOPE you can fit into at a later date is ridiculous! Why not just find something that looks good on you. And if your wedding isn't for another year...why not postpone the dress shopping until you've actually dropped some pounds?

Anyhoooo...that's my Friday night rant. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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